Meditation & Mindfulness


Learn to meditate

We live in very unsettling times. We are all searching ways to bring peace into our lives. Learning meditation and mindfulness practices , including compassion and gratitude will provide a peaceful existence for you and others around you. Learn to tap into the power of the present moment and unlock unlimited potential.

My intentions as your meditation/mindfulness instructor are simple and pure; to provide you with a space that is supportive and nurturing for you to connect with your inner wisdom and strength, to move forward with your life with hope, clarity and renewed energy.


Private / Group Instruction

We all come to meditation for different reasons. You may want more clarity and focus. Perhaps a bit more happiness and joy. Or you may simply want a way to cope with current life struggles. Your sessions will be tailored to your needs, desires and level of experience. Each instruction session will include an informative teaching and a guided meditation, followed by time for questions and explorations. Each session generally last 60-90 minutes.  


Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness

Trauma is anything that overwhelms the capacity of your system at the time that it happens. Trauma is also any event or experience that you find deeply distressing or disturbing. Many people turn to mindfulness to help them move through the experience of their trauma.

Mindfulness is not a one size fits all. Together, we will work to modify your practice for you to feel safe and comfortable inside of your practice.

Client Testimonials

Jackie’s calm and inviting nature, along with her deep skill set is what really allowed me to transform. She always took me thru an educational experience and combined it with the depth of physical and spiritual elements of what meditation is all about. She always was prepared and guided me to explore more deeply and taught me self passion. I use her teachings in my everyday life and greatly appreciate all she has done for me over the past few years.


I have attended Jackie’s meditation circles for years, and as a result I have developed and deepened my own meditation practice.  Jackie does not just “hold meditation circles”; she prepares for each and every session, sitting in meditation herself prior to the group meditation, which enables her to tap into an inner intuition that guides the sessions.  The poems and readings that accompany her meditations are perfect.  Meditation for lunchtime nourished me during a very difficult time in my life.


Jackie’s meditation guidance is THE most effective support I have received in my struggle for sobriety and emotional healing. I had some very challenging issues to address and her expertise in applying meditation for this was astounding. I’m not a cosmic person and neither is Jackie. She’s just extremely good at the art and science of meditation for a safe and effective journey to overcome trauma, loss, and addiction. I now spend more time in the present than elsewhere and that has made me so much happier.
