eft & energy Therapy 

What is energy therapy?

Energy therapy is the journey of discovering who you are and getting intimately connected to the flow of your inner most workings. This means knowing yourself on the deepest level. When you become intimately connected to yourself on a soul level you are best able to heal yourself.

You will discover how to listen to your body and unblock the energy that is stuck causing you disease or discomfort on a physical and/ or emotional level.

As an Energy Therapist, I am here to support you in becoming more attuned to your body and how energy that flows or is blocked within your body.

We will work together using several different techniques. These techniques will allow you to release the blocks and limiting beliefs that cause your nervous system to be caught in fight, flight or freeze and/or compromise the immune system. Once these blocks are released the body has the natural ability to heal itself. You will begin to see the changes in your life to feel joy and happiness. 

EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique

What is Emotional Freedom Technique?

Emotional Freedom Techniques ( EFT ) also known as Tapping, is a powerful holistic healing technique. It has been proven to effectively resolve a range of issues. These include stress, anxiety, phobias, emotional disorders, chronic pain, addiction, weight control, and limiting beliefs, just to name a few.

What can I expect at an EFT session?

Every session begins with a consultation so we can best serve your needs that day. We will discuss why you are here and what you would like to accomplish using EFT.

Do I need more than one session?

Very few sessions are “one and done.” EFT usually requires 3-5 sessions depending on the situation, which will be discussed in your consultation.

Success Stories 

I first discovered Jackie at the Healing Room in Madison CT in 2015.  I did not realize how much I needed the healing she offered me until I experienced it.  At that time, I was working in the field of addiction and recovery, meeting with clients and families who were suffering and struggling with the disease of addiction.  As a result, I was carrying the “heaviness” of others’ pain with me.  Jackie invited me to sit with her at each visit for at least 10 minutes, to share what I was carrying and also to understand what I was looking for help with.  She offered me a full hour of beautifully healing Reiki, which resulted in me getting centered and grounded.  It allowed me to open up to myself and heal from within.  What a gift!


I am fortunate to have experienced many of the services Jackie Piazza offers including EFT, guided meditation and reiki.  I originally went to Jackie for Reiki but she recognized that I was often not grounded when I arrived and would use one of the other modalities to help me relax allowing the reiki to be more effective.
